I have been having a pretty good time in Provo lately. School has been super busy, I'm starting on my BFA year and I have to decide on 3 projects (2 for fine art, 1 for BFA) by tomorrow! yikes! there are too many things I want to do!
Work has been busy, I put up 2 exhibits in the last week.
The band is going really well, it is so fun! I can't wait till we have a show! although I do have to work on my stage presence, I tend to concentrate really hard and my face is stiff, or my mouth hangs open. Embarrassing!
I also decided to do Goth Prom on Saturday October 13th. Mark your calendars! GOTH PROM III 2007! If you will let me have it at your house that would be cool, and I need a projector this year. Anyone??
And in latest as in the last hour news, I am having an art show in November. I need models. Call me if you want to volunteer your body/face/self.