1. If I had a lot of money, I would buy a smart car and the back would say "hello bitches".
2. Little known fact - I've always thought that Barbara Streisand is amazing.
3. Tattoo sleeves make me swoon big time
4. Batman is still the coolest.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
snow snow snow
there has been so much snow falling just in the past few days. I'm a little unsure of it, it's not unfamiliar, but I kind of forgot winter existed. I guess it is more that I have only experienced New York in the summer. I'm confused by the snow, it changes everything, especially my internet connection.
Friday, December 12, 2008
the moon is so bright tonight!

The moon is the closest its been to the earth in 15 years. Its so bright it burns my eyes! (just a little). I love how the moon effects the earth's tides. I like to romance about how it changes the tide in our blood as well. Look at the chart, the blue is the predicted tide rise, and the red is the actual tide rise. Its so high! Its like the earth is in a big bathtub and its creeping in just a little more to stay warm.
Monday, December 8, 2008
canvas of possibilities
so i have a 7 foot blank white canvas. i was originally going to paint a bear on it, but since that would only add to the masculinity of the already masculine decor, I would like to paint something else. I'm not terribly good at anything abstract, although I might take a stab at it, but really I'm looking for some simple solutions to the canvas. I'm looking for solutions that are feminine, and only require about 10 hours of work. Any ideas?
Saturday, December 6, 2008
blah blah blah
I'm here in new york and sometimes everything seems possible. I'm still searching for the key though. I request to be sprinkled with the magic dust of luck, or given a handbook, or just given money I suppose, to make those possibilities a reality. What specifically do I want? I guess I just want to feel purposeful and glamorous, although those two things rarely go together. I want to understand what is going on in Manhattan and I want to get out of Greenpoint. For now though, the cold will keep me in on Saturday night, and will keep me in Greenpoint at least until April.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I was robbed

I came home and the computers, my ipod, and an old phone were gone. The desk was disheveled and there was an old potato sack sitting on the chair. There were also rotten potatoes sitting in the kitchen. I was alone, all these things seemed very strange to me. My phone also wasn't working so for a moment I thought I was caught in an alternate universe. Instead of dwelling on that for too long, I got my phone to work and called the police. I tried to explain that it wasn't an emergency, I wasn't in danger, but I was just "robbed". Robbed like what happens in movies and bad daytime television shows. They assured me that it did classify as an emergency and that police would be right over. I waited a long time, Tyler Matt and I had thai food take out dinner in the crime scene area. The cops eventually came. They were short round men with thick Brooklyn accents. They told me this kind of thing happens all the time in this area and we just have to be extra careful, but if they want to get in, they're going to get in. Then the detectives arrived, more crew cuts and Brooklyn accents. There were about 6 huge men in uniform filling up the apartment until 11:00 at night. My apartment is small, so they had to turn sideways to get past eachother whenever they moved. They dusted for prints, and talked about the "pattern guy". The pattern guy rides a bike around the neighborhood and steals stuff, this particular incidence wasn't him I guess. I was informed several times that I live in Brooklyn, and only a subway ride away from East Brooklyn where 90% of the state penitentiary comes from. So that's it, I was robbed, burgled, thieved, all I learned was that I need renters insurance.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
oh yeah, and this is crazy

click on the fashion section of NYLON's website and you will find my pictures. I don't even remember sending them these. A little story to these pictures, the day we shot that model I was wearing that gingham shirt, I decided it would look good with the backpack against green. I gave her my shirt (I bought it from Nordstrom in Utah) and we shot it. Months later, here it is on Nylon. The products are less eventful, however it is cool to see them up there too. However, Nylon gave credit to Paul Frank and Pottery Barn which makes me kind of mad since those are my images for fredflare.com. I don't know how that whole thing works, but they really should be giving fred flare the credit.
Last night I was laying in bed and the thought occurred to me that I want to be in New York. Up until now it has just seemed like the natural thing to do. It wasn't a matter of wanting it, I just didn't think there was anywhere else to go. Now I want it, and that makes things 10 times easier. The feeling may not last, but for now its working.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
My favorite adventures are the ones I find on craigslist. today i bought a couch and a coffee table from 2 different people. Each of those people were remarkable in their own way, one was a filmmaker, the other was a sculptor. They were both so nice, and great conversationalists. I want to be friends with them so badly, I just don't quite know how to make the transition from craiglist buyer to "hey lets hang out sometime."
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Alissa pointed out that I should post something new already. She's right. Updates are as follows:
1. Last night a friend came to visit from Chicago. I knew him in Vegas 5 years ago. He helped me remember who I am. It was better than great. It's been a long time since I've been able to talk with someone and feel like we completely understand eachother. So much gets lost in communication styles. Ours fits together.
2. Work has been better lately.
I got insurance, which gave me buyers remorse. I always get depressed when I make a commitment even if its a good one.
3. I discovered the penny lick (sounds gross but let me explain). When you walk down Bedford there is a little ice cream shop with vegan options. I can get a baby cone of chocolate soy ice cream for a dollar. Delicious.
4. Matt Wood is my best everyday friend. Right now I'm sitting on his bed with my laptop while makes music on the computer.
5. I might officially be a working stiff with nothing interesting to talk about. I've lost my personality in 4 months of 50 hour photoshop workweeks.
6. I'm buying a grey couch for $400. Adult purchase?
7. I think I'm seeing Nick and Norah's mixtape movie tonight with the boy's club.
1. Last night a friend came to visit from Chicago. I knew him in Vegas 5 years ago. He helped me remember who I am. It was better than great. It's been a long time since I've been able to talk with someone and feel like we completely understand eachother. So much gets lost in communication styles. Ours fits together.
2. Work has been better lately.
I got insurance, which gave me buyers remorse. I always get depressed when I make a commitment even if its a good one.
3. I discovered the penny lick (sounds gross but let me explain). When you walk down Bedford there is a little ice cream shop with vegan options. I can get a baby cone of chocolate soy ice cream for a dollar. Delicious.
4. Matt Wood is my best everyday friend. Right now I'm sitting on his bed with my laptop while makes music on the computer.
5. I might officially be a working stiff with nothing interesting to talk about. I've lost my personality in 4 months of 50 hour photoshop workweeks.
6. I'm buying a grey couch for $400. Adult purchase?
7. I think I'm seeing Nick and Norah's mixtape movie tonight with the boy's club.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
i have been increasingly lax about what I am allowing on my blogspot. sorry about that. my place for more personal info really should remain in my livejournal.
another thing about facebook
sometimes it can cause real problems, like finding out that someone has been keeping you in the dark, but then it all comes to light right there in a photo album that I never should have seen. so i put my forehead into the palm of my hand at 1 in the morning and swear never to pry again.
for some reason i am really embarrassed about being hacked on facebook. apparently i have been sending compatibility comments to everyone I know. i know its nothing to be embarrassed about because i couldn't control it, but i am. i changed my password, i hope it helps.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Labor Day
I've never been so afraid of a 3 day weekend. What will I do with my time? I'm currently accepting all proposals, I'm even considering flying somewhere....help me decide before I do something drastic?
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I'd like to give credits
contributors and their contributions that have influenced me
1. Dad : Led Zepplin, Jimi Hendrix, The White Stripes, The Strokes.
2. Mom : Madonna, the Bangles, the Cars. Thrift store shopping, tennis, diesel jeans, mac makeup, yoga
3. Stefan : Animal Collective, girl talk, mos def, tribe called quest, the clientele, pretty much all the music in my ipod. a love of good food and bare skin
4. Davis : motown, shoes, hip hop dancing
5. Ashley Evans : Radiohead, Mirah, the Microphones
6. Jonathan Purtill : Godspeed you black emperor, Sigur Ros, the Eels, clinic, Bonnie Prince Billy, precision art,
7. Stella : dark cabaret
8. Curtis : the smiths, depeche mode, new order, mod furniture. I will forever be in debt.
9. Alissa : swearing, eating out, when Harry Met Sally
10. Arthur : motorcycles, Gogol Bordello, "movies as films", new york
11. Becky : girly clothes, against me, black as more than a basic
12. the delta negro trio and cookie treat : lead belly, muddy waters, cab calloway, louis prima, ella fitzgerald, billy holiday, freaks the movie, 60's go-go vegas aesthetic, betty page, bob dylan, all things vegas and vintage awesome, etc etc.
13. Holly : Feist, badly drawn boy, and probably a bunch of others i can't think of.
14. Chris Allman : folk art, messy clothes, knits, naturalness
15. Alison Dana : REM, utah, BYU
i'm sure there's more, but that's all i can think of right now. so I just want to say thanks:)
1. Dad : Led Zepplin, Jimi Hendrix, The White Stripes, The Strokes.
2. Mom : Madonna, the Bangles, the Cars. Thrift store shopping, tennis, diesel jeans, mac makeup, yoga
3. Stefan : Animal Collective, girl talk, mos def, tribe called quest, the clientele, pretty much all the music in my ipod. a love of good food and bare skin
4. Davis : motown, shoes, hip hop dancing
5. Ashley Evans : Radiohead, Mirah, the Microphones
6. Jonathan Purtill : Godspeed you black emperor, Sigur Ros, the Eels, clinic, Bonnie Prince Billy, precision art,
7. Stella : dark cabaret
8. Curtis : the smiths, depeche mode, new order, mod furniture. I will forever be in debt.
9. Alissa : swearing, eating out, when Harry Met Sally
10. Arthur : motorcycles, Gogol Bordello, "movies as films", new york
11. Becky : girly clothes, against me, black as more than a basic
12. the delta negro trio and cookie treat : lead belly, muddy waters, cab calloway, louis prima, ella fitzgerald, billy holiday, freaks the movie, 60's go-go vegas aesthetic, betty page, bob dylan, all things vegas and vintage awesome, etc etc.
13. Holly : Feist, badly drawn boy, and probably a bunch of others i can't think of.
14. Chris Allman : folk art, messy clothes, knits, naturalness
15. Alison Dana : REM, utah, BYU
i'm sure there's more, but that's all i can think of right now. so I just want to say thanks:)
Thank heaven for music---warning: cheesy
My family is not particularly musical. On family road trips we didn't listen to anything. One of my sisters doesn't listen to music at all which blows my mind. I on the other hand might be clinically dependent on it. Music controls me better than I can control myself. Every note and volume does something to my psyche, which in consequence affects my body. If it weren't for music I don't know if I would have made it through the past 3 years without a breakdown. I really truly believe that, which is why I thank heaven for music.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Sunday, August 3, 2008
okay okay okay
This is what I want right here right now.
a furnished house
mentally sound neighbors
clean streets
a regular view of the sky
a dog
a husband
1.5 children.
that is what I want, I want it right now.
I think I just got old enough realize it.
so what?
a furnished house
mentally sound neighbors
clean streets
a regular view of the sky
a dog
a husband
1.5 children.
that is what I want, I want it right now.
I think I just got old enough realize it.
so what?
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
keeping up with quinn

I would have to also agree that I need to update more often, i usually don't like to update unless i have pictures, but I'm going to try and update at least twice a week whether or not I have pictures. We'll see if I can actually do it. This weekend i went dancing with Bardhi and Casey, it was the best time I have ever had dancing in New York. The DJ was amazing, he played tons of funk music blended with some Michael Jackson. i didn't want to stop. Also in other good news, my 6 day work weeks are over, i have Saturdays back and first on the agenda is the beach, then house painting, then ikea. miss you love you, sincerely cv.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
Jazz age lawn party
NYC Ballet

Jeff took me to the ballet on tuesday night. I was thrilled the entire time. The theatre was all 60's fancy, which we all know i love. And the dancers and choreography were of a caliber that I have never seen. It was amazing. I hope this picture gives you an idea of how big it was, but really, no photo can really capture its majesty.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I went and saw Alphaville the night i got to New York. I had seen it in high school and i was only into it because I loved the way the girl in it looked. Overall though I just thought it was weird. I saw it again and in my older age I loved it. The cinematography was amazing. The love between the ugly man and the young beautiful woman was intriguing and romantic. It is recommended.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
New Job
I got the job at fredflare.com I am now officially their in house photographer. Some of the things I shot are already up online. I am now officially a New Yorker. It all feels really fast, but I'm having a great time.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Monday, May 5, 2008
new light new room
so as i am now living in a room with the most amazing light i could ever ask for, i am inspired to shoot some classical subjects such as still life and nudes. if anyone would like to let me take pictures of them in some amazing light in an old mansion I sure would love to do it. i'm not looking for anything sexy, just simple form. i don't really know what i would do with the pictures afterward either, so maybe if you let me take pictures you can use them as Christmas cards or something. i'd really like to shoot a couple if possible, just sitting simply facing the camera, sort of american gothic style. and also someones back. let me know if there are any volunteers!
this might qualify as the craziest 2 weeks ever
1. graduated
2. job offers graphic design
3. BFA show
4. job offer at fred flare
5. internship with tina tyrell
6. moved to center street
7. moved with friends
8. cut copy
9. hugest fight ever with close friends/family
10. hugest job offer with TopModel
11. no eating
12. garage sale
13. move to new york
14. drive back and forth from salt lake every day
15. survive survive survive
2. job offers graphic design
3. BFA show
4. job offer at fred flare
5. internship with tina tyrell
6. moved to center street
7. moved with friends
8. cut copy
9. hugest fight ever with close friends/family
10. hugest job offer with TopModel
11. no eating
12. garage sale
13. move to new york
14. drive back and forth from salt lake every day
15. survive survive survive
Saturday, April 26, 2008
to all readers: a call for rescue
have a weird thing to ask you all. I decided to take a graphic design job in salt lake for a month or less. I'll probably end up sleeping on my boss' couch. But I was wondering, if you are leaving a vehicle here while you go to New York, or if you just have an extra one laying around? could I pay you to use your car? is that even possible? or do you know anyone who could lend me a vehicle? or a place to lay my head?
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I just updated my website, some old some new, some so dirty that BYU wouldn't let me hang them in their halls. have a looksee
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Friday, April 4, 2008
Oscarson Grant!
I got the grant I applied for. Hooray! I don't know how much I got yet, but I feel relieved to know that I won't be totally broke when I go to New York. Thanks Julie and Mark for your wonderful letters of recommendation.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Art for Sale!
prints are $50 or best offer, frames are $100 (they are huge and thats what my boss is asking). they are about are huge 32" x 30" prints they all have to go, I have nowhere to keep them! click on this post to see the pictures
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Orem Library is great
Friday, March 21, 2008
Empty bed blues
Monday, March 10, 2008
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
want to hear a funny story?
Holly and I have bunk beds, and last night while holly was asleep i came in and threw my blanket up onto the top bunk so i could get into bed. In doing so I knocked over a full cup of water at the precise angle to spill all over holly's face. I was mortified, I felt so bad. I turned on the light and started apologizing. She barely was awake and just pleasantly said, "its alright." She was so nice! at which point I could not stop laughing. I couldn't believe she was so calm and polite when I had got her all soaking wet! I got her some towels to sleep on and she went right back to sleep. I could not stop laughing. The End.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Monday, February 4, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Our first show is scheduled for February 8th at Muse Music. I'm very very very very very nervous. I short circuit under performance circumstances. I have become increasingly serious about doing well in the band, but that goes against what we stand for. In case anyone is wondering what CCQB stands for, it means hakuna matata, no worries. Being serious is not what we are about, we only want to have fun.
Flier courtesy of Quinn Gorbott
Friday, January 25, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
My birthday is tomorrow?
How did that happen? I'm thinking pizza, palm reading (I got a kit for christmas), ghost stories, a fire, rock band?, fruit tray, and music. too last minute? SLC dancing? Provo? Let's all just hang out somehow. Come over at 9, we'll figure something out.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
January and February
This is my least favorite time of year. It's so so cold, I can feel it in my bones. My skin is dry, my lips are pale, and I have to wear clothes that cover any evidence of me being more than a giant toddler. It's so cold that I sincerely think that mother nature must be joking.
Friday, January 11, 2008
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