Wednesday, December 6, 2006

peter pan

I need help deciding which one to print. please leave me a comment for which one you like the best!


Chaunté Vaughn said...

hmmm....ask me my opinion when you get home ok cause i wanna talk about a couple that i think would go along with the rest of your series.

Chaunté Vaughn said...

woops. this is hv not cv.

david. said...

the first or the last! johnny is quite pretty, isn't he?

Kahea said...

The middle one. Peter is defined by the world around him. In the other pictures the emphasis is too much on him. Peter is a strong character, but only in context. He is only amazing in neverland. In any other context he wouldn't be taken seriously(which is why i can't take the close-ups of him seriously). I love the flexing, the innocent arrogance. Such strength from such a small boy makes you think that his strength comes from his belief. The clouds and colors of the middle picture fit perfectley in peter's world where through his eyes the world is a little bit brighter, open, and free(spirit). I feel like in the other pictures the light obscures his brilliance. I do love your decision not to show his face. Brilliant!

hanner said...

I like the first one a lot!

The Chad said...

i say the very first one or last one, i like them because they have those pentagon shaped spots of green light that look kind of like gems that make him look magical. and that is what peter pan is. magical.

max said...

i agree with kahea! but maybe you've already printed!