Thursday, April 2, 2009

from a bum

I walked out of work today and there was a bum riding a bike. As he passed me he said, "Marry me will ya? just marry me!" I laughed and I thought, "At least someone wants me." Not in a sad way, just in a- "why isn't everybody as open as that?" I think its really ingrained in us these days to be cool, so much that people don't just openly like one another. I called Alissa and we talked about the moment that had just happened. We discussed that we wished that boys would just come up to us if they think we are cute, just come up and talk. It's no big deal. Guys don't do that though, they look, and then they look away. It's so annoying. Just be cool! Tell me if you are into me, be like the bum "Marry me!"


The Gorbott said...

about this: i think its important, before the finger is pointed at males generally, to consider the reaction of the apostles when jesus revealed that one of them would betray him. they responded "is it i?" rather than trying to find blame in others. so before you start placing blame you might ask yourself "is it i?"

Chaunté Vaughn said...

I didn't mean for the post to sound accusatory toward males, I re-read and saw how you could see that. It was just an "I wish post." I don't think anyone male or female would really be as open as the bum on a bike, people are only actually that open in old movies. mostly ones with fred astaire.

duskydarlinghue said...

go find that bum!

ps. I'm into this. We watched "the grapes of wrath" today in film and there was a part where a young man was going around at a dance just trying to find a girl to dance with him and i thought how i wished this would still happen. Like "hey, i wanna get to know you. lets dance."

Chris Almond said...


saint-erin said...

marry me!

The Gorbott said...

it was mostly a joke. and i mostly agree with you. miss you baby chaunte!

Eva / Sycamore Street Press said...

i was pretty much as open as that bum was with you when i met kirk. and it worked. he ended up being that open with me, too, so we always knew how much we liked each other. no games. no guessing. no being cool. it was the first time in my life when i had the guts to do that with someone from the get go, and it paid off. p.s. this post also reminded me of maybe from arrested development. i miss that show.